John Muir National Historic Site California Native Plant Garden
An ever-changing delight awaits you at the new California Native Plant Garden surrounding the John Muir National Historic Site Visitor Center.
Observe the colors, patterns, textures and fragrances of blossoms and aromatic leaves as this new garden puts down roots and takes hold. Learn the preferred growing conditions of a diversity of native plants. You may see one that would enhance your corner of the state and you, too, could “restore” a bit of native California.
Greg Wolford—a dedicated professional in the design and installation of native plant landscapes—created natural, free-flowing settings to display an array of native plants tied together with interweaving gravel paths and sculpted terrain.
A free handout for plant location and identification is available at the Visitor Center during regular hours. Download a copy now; a full-sized print is legal size (11 x 14 inches), both sides (or two pages).

The John Muir National Historic Site California Native Plant Coloring Book and Garden Guide is no longer available. We hope to offer a revised book soon.
The Guide provides a way to learn about the plants and how to use them in your own home gardens. The Guide was published with funds collected in tribute to the dedicated John Muir National Historic Site volunteer gardener, Ray Egbert. The Garden was made possible in part through donations by the John Muir Association. Future plans include expanding the garden into a wider area surrounding the Visitor Center. Contributions are always welcome to support this and other projects.